

佛得角谷学校 educates students for college and for life by encouraging them to become intellectually curious, 有学术成就和创造性表达能力.  该项目培养跨文化理解和世界公民意识, 环境管理, 体力劳动的价值, 以一种自愿的精神为人类服务. 这是一所国际学校,50%的学生来自20个国家, 50%来自美国18个州,包括一些来自塞多纳地区的当地走读学生.
VVS的核心是一支经验丰富、积极进取、充满爱心的教师队伍.  拥有丰富的生活经验, 的优势, 和文化, the VVS faculty are passionate about their subjects and dedicated to providing a project-based, 以学生为中心的程序. We are always interested in receiving employment inquiries from talented educators who share our mission.

To apply for a position at 佛得角谷学校 please email your resume and cover letter to Lori Perkins at lperkins@0595idc.net.



  • 全日制高中英语职位

    ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­ 工作总结
    人文教师(IB英语文学) & 知识论)
    雇主:Verde Valley学校

    Verde Valley学校是一所小型学校(120名学生), 独立的, 9-12年级的寄宿和走读学校.  The campus is surrounded by National Forest and the splendor of Sedona’s red rock towers.  校园里有农场和25匹马, Verde Valley’s rugged and intimate campus shapes a community in which every student is known and supported in becoming the fullest, 他/她自己最繁荣的版本.  在学业上, VVS是一所IB国际学校, 并在11 - 12年级提供IB文凭和课程证书课程.   这所学校的校训“IB +土”最能概括它的课程.  指导原则包括:全球公民, 环境管理, 学术, 体力劳动的价值, 为他人服务.  更多信息请访问网站 search.0595idc.net.

    佛得角谷学校 seeks a skilled and enthusiastic Humanities teacher with the ability to teach English Literature grades 9 – 12 as well as an interest in and ability to teach additional classes in the Humanities should the need arise. .  通过阅读和讨论一系列文学作品, 培养学生的批判性阅读和分析性写作技能.  VVS的人文课程包括研讨会讨论, frequent opportunities to practice and receive feedback on their analytical writing as well as creative and collaborative projects.  A belief that all students can develop the reading and writing skills necessary for college and beyond coupled with an affinity for differentiating instruction for a wide range of students are hallmarks of the VVS English faculty.

    除了教学, 所有全职教师每周领导两次课外运动/活动.  就居住税而言, 教师每周一个晚上和每月一个周末监督学生.  佛得角以其体验式教育项目而自豪.  教师 are responsible for co-leading a ten-day experiential education travel program throughout the Southwest during the fall.  在春天, faculty lead an eight-day on-campus project-based program on a topic outside their discipline.  
    Verde Valley学校是一个住宿社区.  学校提供校内住宿和食堂用餐.  
    因为VVS课程本质上是国际性的, 不同文化的体验和舒适是非常重要的.  该职位将于2023年8月开始.  请附上求职信和简历, 标题为“申请人文学科职位至lperkins@vvsaz”.org.  请不要打电话.

    Candidate must be willing to wholeheartedly engage in all facets of 登机 school life including advising, 训练, 周末, 以及宿舍管理.

  • 高中理科

    薪资:与经验相称. 提供有竞争力的福利待遇
    雇主:Verde Valley学校
    学历要求:B.A. 和/或实验室科学硕士学位

    Verde Valley学校是一所小型学校(120名学生), 独立寄宿和走读学校,服务9 - 12年级. 我们是一所国际文凭世界学校,成立于1948年, 我们的指导原则包括学术卓越, 跨文化理解, 环境管理, 体力劳动和为他人服务. 请访问我们的网站了解更多信息
    at search.0595idc.net

    佛得角谷学校 seeks a skilled and enthusiastic high school science teacher to teach lab science courses in a college prep 登机 school committed to experiential education. The ideal candidate will be comfortable teaching across science disciplines and have the knowledge and skills necessary to teach in our 9th and 10th grade Physical Science program as well as our IB Environmental Science program. Verde Valley学校聘用有经验的教师, 以学生为中心的方法,使各种各样的学生参与科学研究. All courses are taught with an inquiry-based approach with the teacher guiding students to question, 探索, 用科学的方法收集和分析数据. The course is a two-year course that culminates with the completion of IB assessments in the senior year.

    The ideal candidate is someone who truly loves working with adolescents and is ready to fully immerse in all facets of 登机 school life on our rustic desert campus. 除了课堂教学, 每个教员每周有一个晚上指导学生, 每月一个周末, 每周做两次校园工作. Each faculty member leads one extracurricular activity or sport twice each week and is responsible for advising 4-5 students. 大多数教员都过着两周的野外生活 & 每年11月在西南地区进行服务旅行. 我们的食堂提供饭菜. 如果空间允许,可以提供校内住宿.



    请附上求职信和简历 via email with the subject heading: “Science Position Application” to lperkins@0595idc.net. 请不要打电话或传真.
  • 学校辅导员和健康协调员

    佛得角谷学校 is among the oldest college preparatory schools in the West and was one of the country’s first United Nations identified international schools. 学校是
    located in idyllic Sedona, Arizona surrounded by thousands of acres of natural landscape and beauty. Verde Valley是一所小型学校(120名学生), 独立的, 登机, 还有日制学校,为来自世界各地的学生提供服务, 9 - 12年级. 今年是VVS成立75周年,它的存在是为了培养世界公民. The 国际学士学位 (IB) Diploma Program serves as the school’s curriculum, 与全国最优秀的人保持平衡
    Experiential Education program and our outdoor programs, VVS attracts students from around the world.

    更多信息请访问我们的网站 www.VVSAZ.org.
    ● Countless miles of hiking/biking trails and abundant other forms of outdoor recreation.
    ● A beautiful campus, complete with a teaching farm, equestrian programs, and outdoor classrooms.
    ● Students learn the value of hard work and everybody pitches in when a job needs to be done

    The School Counselor, as a member of the student care team, is responsible for advocating and
    supporting the social, mental, and emotional health of 120 登机 and day students in 9 - 12年级.
    ● Work with families and refer students, when appropriate, to outside mental health providers.
    ● Work with the Administration Team to develop relationships with outside mental health providers.
    ●成为VVS社区的积极成员,包括参加聚餐, 参与活动, 积极参与到我们照顾的学生的生活中.
    ● Serve as a resource and consultant on adolescent student mental health for all students and staff.
    ●必须持有, 或者能够得到, 目前在心理健康领域的AZ学校辅导员执照, 及/或心理学硕士学位, 社会工作, 或相关领域.
    ●善于沟通, 创造性的问题解决者, 以及对多样性的承诺, 股本, 和包容.

    ● Is a dedicated self-starter who is creative in their approach to student health and well-being.
    ● Is able to zoom in and zoom out quickly as they work both collaboratively with the student care team to develop school-wide programming and then quickly shift to working
    ● Is an advocate for health and wellness on campus and supports both faculty and students as they navigate the difficult and challenging terrain of living and learning in a
    •致力于学校的原则和世界公民的价值观, 体力劳动的价值, 学术, 为他人服务, 以及环境管理.
    ● Adhere to all state and federal laws addressing the subjects of confidentiality and privileged communication.



    Please send cover letter and resume via email with subject heading: “学校辅导员和健康协调员” to lperkins@0595idc.net.  请不要打电话或传真.
佛得角谷学校是一所 国际学士学位 9-12年级学生的寄宿和走读高中.